What are your running goals for the 2006? What is your goal for total mileage for 2006? Did you meet your 2005 goals?
My running goals for 2006:
Run two 100-mile trail runs, one of them a Hardrock qualifier (at altitude).
Run three 50-mile trail runs.
Run a few 50-K trail runs.
>2400 total mileage.
Race Direct two trail events.
Of course, my main goal is to stay healthy and uninjured. I met my 2005 goals, and am healthy, although I need to continue to lose 1-lb per week for a while, until I've lost "that last 20."With that, it's time to start thinking about next year's personal running log. There are two ways to go; online versions and an Excel-based model to keep at home. Who needs paper? Both types are free, so check them out.
On-Line Running Logs:
Excel-based Log For Running Stats:
David Hays' Log will track/graph everything, including shoe usage.
Here's another version of David Hays' pre-modified for 2006 with room for up to 9 pairs of shoes, for your entire running shoe collection.
Yes, 100 miles in 24 hours or so. The race I have on Feb 4th, I've ran before in 23:06:00, back in 2004. I want to break into the "22's" this year.
Wow Ben.... you *are* bad, aren't you? Puts my itty-bitty marathon in a new perspective. :)
What an inspiring photo!!!
I was reading about the Heartland 100 and 50 mile races held this year on Oct. 8 in December's Ultrarunning issues, and wondered if you participated (since it is in Kansas).
I noticed the Cascade Crest Classic as part of your upcoming race list - Johnny wants to do that one eventually.
I'll be wishing you good luck on Feb. 4 as I run my 50k!
I will never do Heartland, because long, straight dirt roads aren't my thing. I like to run on twisty trails.
I'm hoping that they find a new race director for Cascade Crest, and the race is scheduled officially, soon. If not, I will choose another "mountain" 100, possibly The Bear or Angeles Crest. Whatever I can do to qualify for a chance at Hardrock.
A list of 100-milers is at http://www.run100s.com
Yes, the pictures of the roads didn't look particularly appealing (although Marshall "UltraWalker" was in one of the pictures!).
The owner of my local Fleet Feet store is trying to take over the RD duties for the Cascade Crest 100. It would be nice since I do not plan on running it this year so I could help out with some of the details as well. My only worry is that he will try to commercialize it too much and not leave it the way it is. If he takes over the duties I will do my best to make sure it stays the great low key event that has made it so popular. It definitely needs to stay on the calendar though it would be a shame to lose such a great event.
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