We had 9 inches of snow fall last night. (That's about 23 centimeters, for all of you people who live in a measurement-progressive country). It was also zero degees F this morning, when I got up. (That's -17.8 Celsius or 255.37 degrees Kelvin).
Here's a picture of the ol' homestead, with my trusty steed parked out front in the driveway and in the snow. Ironically, my wife's car is parked in the relatively toasty 45F garage, but I drove her to work today, since I have the all-wheel drive Honda Element.
It's been a good vehicle. I've even slept in it on the starting lines of a couple of wilderness-area trail ultra runs, this past year.
The after-dark trail run will be REAL FUN tonight. I told the group that I won't have us do any crossings of the Blue River. We will wuss-out and avoid getting our lower legs and feet wet tonight. It's probably a wise move.
I miss those cold, dry snowy days and nights. It sounds great, hopefully cold enough to keep the snow from melting on your shoes too!
Yes, and the traction on the trails right now is not a problem. It will be, though, when it starts to melt.
Actually, that's 273 Kelvin! :P
You gots some snow! I grew up in upstate NY, and was raised in UT, so I remember that stuff. I love snow... when it stays in the mountains :)
I'm in the same snow storm as you Ben! I've never run on the BURP ? trails you talk about in one of your posts. I know where that is, so I'll have to check it out when my foot has healed.
The BuRP Trails aren't as fun as WyCo, Landahl, Clinton Lake, or SM Park trails. I've got maps, etcetera on my trailrunning website at: http://www.psychowyco.com
The attraction to the BuRP trails is the fast 7-mile loop, and crossing the Blue River while running.
For anyone who would rather run an unpaved trail run instead of the annual Chili Run, my little trailrunning group is doing the following (for the 3rd year in a row):
"The Psycho Chili Run"
An alternate WyCo Trail Run (during the MARA Chili Run)
Pavement is for Weenies!
Run a 10 mile "training run" with us on unpaved trails, instead of the 6.5 miles of pavement (on the Chili Run).
Wyandotte County Lake Park, meet at the MARA start/finish location (East side of lake) at 8:30 AM
Kansas City, KS
We will meet at 8:30 A.M. and start running at about 8:45; the pavement weenies start at 10:00 AM
We will pay for the race after we run, and probably eat some chili and homemade cookies.
No entry fee for MARA members, $5 for non-members; (donations for charity).
Wyandotte County Lake Park, KS:
Note: We will run slowly and it take about 2 hours or so to run the (much more hilly) trail.
Trailrunning website: http://www.psychowyco.com
Group site: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/kctrailrunning/
Holy snowstorm! We are getting hit right now with a fair amount of snow - I wish I had as good an attitude as you do about the snow - I am counting down the days till spring!
The snow looks great. A fellow friend and ultra-runner Olga Varlamova sent me some pictures of her with some friends up in the Gorge in Oregon running through some trails in the mountains that were covered with snow and I was so jealous. I love to run in the snow. I wish I could hook up with some local trail runners that were into night running, maybe I need to start a group of my own.
Hi Ben, thanks for visiting my blog "run with perseverance" today!
I enjoyed seeing yours...we're getting the same snow tonight (Thursday) that you had yesterday...will try to post some pix on my blog tomorrow.
Nice to see your trail interests. I'm doing a 20+ mile trail race in 10 days near Fort Wayne, the HUFF. Ran it last year and am looking foward to it again!
Oh, fun!!!
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