While performing trail construction on Monday's MLK holiday, I spotted a total of 3 bald eagles at WyCo Lake Park. I could barely get close enough to one of them to snap this far-off digital photo, though. They appeared to be having fun while fishing. They would swoop down to the surface of the lake and grab a big-ass fish with their talons, then fly off and eat it from the top of a sycamore or oak tree. The year-round geese and ducks did not appear to enjoy their presence, though. I have'nt seen this much bald eagle action since I moved here from Spokane, Washington 9-1/2 years ago.
The other photo is of a tree in the middle of the woods near our new singletrack section. It has a vine growing through its crotch.

I am quite blind to R-rated stuff...and it took me awhile. I actually saw a different picture:)
Maybe that tree will help motivate some people to hit the trails ,-)
Thanks for showing the tree pic, that's hilarious!!
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