Well, tomorrow I'll be driving to Kanopolis State Park, Kansas. On Saturday, I'll be running at the Rockin' K Trail Run. This year, I'm not (too) injured, so I'll be doing the 50-Miler instead of the marathon. Woo-hoo! This course is so much fun! I'll post some up-to-date photos, after the run. We are going to camp in "Elemental Conditions" in a campground near the race. Fellow Trail Nerd Kyle, my spouse, and my dog will be driving out with me.
My fastest PR on this particular 50-Mile course is 10:02:00. I don't plan on any speed records this year, as my knee is still hurting from a fall that I took 3 weeks ago. It will just be a "fun run" for me, and hopefully help keep me in 100-Mile shape for some upcoming runs, later this year.
Previous event photos taken by yours truly: 2004, 2005.

Good luck on the race.
I think I need some coffee because I originally read that your dog was driving you to the race.
Good Luck and have fun! Hope the knee hold up as well.
Good luck to Ben and all the other KC Trail Nerds. Hope you guys have a blast.
Good luck and take care of the knee so you can drag me through Berryman! Hope you guys have a great time. My race will be over MUCH sooner on Saturday. :-D
Good luck BadBen!
Good luck! Rock it, baby.
awesome! Hope you have a good time!
I used to think the same thing, 10 years ago. At the time, I thought that 2 marathons per year were my physical limit. Actually, it was just a mental limit for me. Once I wrapped my meager little brain around the idea of longer distances, I COULD do it.
Happy trails,
Bad Ben
This trail looks awesome! But muddy water? I don't know:)
Don't sink!
Very cool trail run!! Good luck and take lots of pics!
That's quite the course. Hope you had a great race.
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