On Saturday morning, we had a fun time out in Lawrence, Kansas at the 1st annual Clinton Lake North Shore Trail Run.
This trail race was a race put on by our trailrunning group, the Kansas City Trail Nerds. The course was an 8.5+ mile run on the beautiful, rocky and root-laden trails of the North Shore trail system. This course never seems that hilly to me, but it still had an Elevation Gain (ft) of +2,570 / -2,570, so I guess it was hilly.
We ended up with 17 competitors for the day. There were 14 other events on this same day in the local KC Metro area, so I guess this wasn't too bad for a race that was officially announced one week prior.
It was a group effort: Greg Burger laid out a wonderful course. Ed Payne got the permits in order and worked the finish line, and Kyle and I brought the equipment out. Several of us marked the course on Thursday night, and Kyle and Greg de-marked the course after the race. This course is a KEEPER! Race Photos.
Sunday morning, I slept in. I had a lot of other things going on, Saturday (besides the trail race), so it was nice to sleep in a little. Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a 2-hour trail run by myself. I took along the I-Pod and had a wonderful run by myself listening to Coltrane. The only activity out there besides me were 2 MTB riders, a man walking his dog, and an innocent-enough looking Copperhead snake. The snake only held me up for 10 seconds or so, while he went about his business crossing the trail.
innocent-enough looking Copperhead? You scare me.
Hey, he didn't pay me any attention at all. That's "innocent-enough" to me.
Sounds like another great race! Even though I only ran on the Clinton trails a few times, they were good 'uns!!
You look happy:)
I'm always happy when:
1) I'm uninjured and healthy;
2) I'm running on trails;
3) I'm being chased on a trail run by nice-looking women trailrunners.
- Bad Ben
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