Saturday, I ran 11 miles with Dave on the BuRP Trail system. It was a slow and deliberate pace on the technical parts of the trail system, and we even crossed the Blue River four times. (The river was just above knee level, and flowing pretty well). After the run, I did a few chores an

Good Ben showed up and we took a look at fixing his bike prior to his Sunday Race. I sent him on his way at 5:45, so that he wouldn't get too F'd-up for his big AR race. Big Brew Day lasted until 10:30 p.m., when I finally had to kick the rest of my friends and neighbors out of my garage, so I could get some sleep.
Sunday, I awoke feeling a little worse for wear. (It couldn't have been all of the beer, though, right)? I had to get up a lot earlier than usual to drive to Lawrence, to lead the Trail Nerds on a trail run at Clinton Lake. I hadn't been out there since the "tornado day" episode. Things have definitely greened-up since then...the trails were muddy, but spectacularly beautiful. We had a nice 16-mile run at a decent pace. When we finished, we went out for a great breakfast at Wheatfield's Bakery. Yum...good food in a Hippie restaurant in the "Berkeley of the Midwest." I bought a petite pain loaf for later that night at home. The rest of Sunday was spent relaxing and doing (very few) chores prior to grilling a nice dinner for my wife.
Monday, I got into work early, and left after 7:30 p.m. Every now and then, you've got to put in the hours to get stuff done. I didn't workout at all on Monday, so tonight I'll make up for it. I'll do chest, shoulders, tris, and abs for 90 minutes in the gym, then run three 5-mile loops out at SM Park tonight with Kyle and the Trail Nerds.
Happy Trails!
Sounds like my kind of weekend.
I suck at running...thanks to beer in part. Which, by the way, I am going to be judging beers at an upcming festival.
A kick ass weekend of workouts plus a beer festival. That ain't bad.
3 SM park loops???? One loop is TOUGH! The gradual hills NEVER seem to end.
Hills are good. Flat is bad.
nah, it couldn't have been the wounds good...
Hey--I met one of your trail nerds at the Ice Age 50-miler. I volunteered at the 40-mile aid station.He gave you a compliment--said you looked very young, he thought your son would be around 10 yrs old based on how you look. Not bad huh? Must be the running that does that, ya think????
BTW---he DNF'd at that station.
The water looks very clear, so cool!
The secret to my "youthful" appearance:
1) Pick your parents & grandparents well.
2) Stay VERY active.
3) Wear sunscreen and a hat.
4) Take lots of antioxidents and eat your vegetables.
5) Drink only high-quality beer or wine. Do so in moderation.
6) Have lots of fun.
Badben... thanks for the comment.
Now that I have been trail running... I am hooked!
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