Friday, November 30, 2007

KUS Award & Other News

I haven't posted to Blog Land for a while...I've been very busy.

I recently had the honor of receiving a very nice award from KUS, the Kansas Ultrarunners' Society. It's KUS' Ultrarunner Member of the Year award. It's a traveling award, and here it is.

Phil and Stacy Sheridan (of KUS) posted this about the award:

Ever play the 20 questions game?? See how fast you can figure out who the member of the year is?? If you were at the meeting you already know the answer... here goes.

1. Is this person female? No
2. Does this person live in Kansas? Yes
3. Is this person retired? No
4. Does this person have a dog? Yes, (and the dog designs single-track trails)
5. Is this person single? No
6. Does this person have children? Yes (and a grandson)
7. Does this person wear glasses? Yes (sometimes)
8. Does this person still have hair on his head? Yes
9. Does this person drive an SUV to haul gear to races? Yes - (a Honda Element)
10. Was this person born in Kansas? No
11. Has this person been featured in a magazine article about running and races? Yes
12. Has this person finished a 100 mile race? Yes (many)
13. Has this person paced another runner in a 100 mile race? Yes
14. Does this person enjoy running on trails? Yes
15. Has this person formed a running club? Yes
16. Is this person a race director? Yes
17. Does this person have a wacky sense of humor? You bet!
18. Has this person ever driven his SUV around with running shoes hanging on the front? Yes

19. Has this person ever buried a whiner in a shallow grave in the woods? No (We hope not)

20. Does this person brew his own beer with such names as: Sherpa Porter, Noggin Splitter, and Bitch Slap Black Ale? Yes!
...Anyway, this was quite an honor and quite unexpected.

In other news:

My son recently was promoted to manager of his own Starbucks Store. It opened this past Monday near one of the busiest intersections in the Metro area. (It's also a drive-through). In addition to setting up the new store and ordering regular shipments of stuff, etcetera, he had to interview, hire, and train 6 shift supervisors and 20 baristas. I'm proud of him, of course. Here he is during his first day of opening madness:

He was nervous for about the first two hours, until he realized that his awesome crew was handling everything just fine...validating his training methodology.

Pretty cool!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is going well with you and your family Ben. have you started doing any training for RR 100 yet? This will be your sixth one right? How many other nerds are youo hauling down there for that? Hopefully I can get out your direction and get some runs in to see you guys. I don't plan on doing any racing this winter. Its time for me to take a long break. Let everything heal up. I'd love to come down and help at Psycho this winter. It'll be cool to see Caleb back in action after his long layoff. Take care brother and talk to you later.

Ben, aka BadBen said...

I've started training for RR100. Yep, it's my 6th in a row. I think there will be 5 or so Nerds at Rocky, this year. I'd love your help at the Psycho WyCo Race, this year. Rest up, and enjoy the holiday season.
- Ben

Olga said...

Congrats on a well deserved award, Ben! Fun questions:) So, RR is pretty darn close...good thing you pick a race before getting too lazy as most of us:)

Anonymous said...

No surprise to hear about the award bestowed upon you. You live what ultrarunning is all about in every facet of the sport. Congrats!

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Thanks, Rob!
Now if I could just get into Western States...

seagull junker said...

ben sorry you didn't get into states. it would be fun to watch you finishing in auburn.

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Thanks, Tom. There's always '09 or 2010. It'd be nice if they'd up the requirements to a 100-miler, only. They would have a better finish rate, too. There are way too many easy 50-milers out there, and people are "shocked" when they hit the mountains in their first WS100.

I might go to WS training camp again, and hopefully get a chance to pace/push someone again.

Tammy said...

Awe-Sum! Congrats. Cute dog, too!

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