Friday, March 09, 2007

My 50th Birthday Proceedings

Me, singing Soungarden's "Black Hole Tongue"
A couple of weekends ago, my friends and family pulled a fast one on me. They gave me a surprise birthday party at Kyle and Stacie's house for my 50th. I was really surprised, too. What a bunch of secretive liars they must have been, planning this gig!

It was a great time. Jason Crosby sent me the original Trail Nerds ink illio. Shane Jones painted a map of the Psycho WyCo course, and of a pair of Montrail shoes...who knew Shane was an artist? The group also got together on some great artwork (by Jason) and had them made into framed prints: I also got a nice bottle of Scotch and (the leftover) Patron. My darling daughter and her Matt got me an entertainment center. The group also got me some other cool items, and the requisite gag gifts such as: Depends, black balloons, etc. What a good time!

Toddler me and Jason's original illustration.

I was poured copious amounts of beer, and someone opened a bottle of Patron Silver tequila, and kept filling my glass. I was (thankfully) driven safely home at about midnight. I ended up getting about 3-1/2 hours of sleep that night, but still got up and drove 40 miles to Clinton Lake to start running at 7 a.m. that Sunday. I think the Trail Nerds were surprised to see me show up for a 20-mile trail run right after the big night. This old dawg's hard to keep down...and don't you forget it!

I honestly was floored and teary-eyed about the whole thing. It's taken me two weeks to put this together about it. Thanks, everyone!

February was an emotional rollercoaster for me, anyway. The events came in rapid succession: My tough time on my last 100-miler and my hard-earned 500-mile shirt, all of the prep for putting on the Psycho WyCo Trail Races, planning for all of the races we'll be putting on this year, and then my "big" birthday. Whew! (Oh yeah, I have a wonderful family and I work 50-hrs/week, too).

Raul (left), me, Debbie, James

How do I feel?...Depends. (Me with a grinning Kyle).


  1. It is a funny thing getting older. I've had a bunch of my peers just turn 40, and I'll be there myself in less than 2 years. I keep asking myself, "Wasn't I just in my 20s?" It is all good, though.

    Happy 50.

  2. Thanks!
    I think I will always keep asking that question, "Wasn't I just in my 20s?"
    Believe it or not, the hardest age for me to comprehend was 31. I definitely knew I wasn't in my 20s anymore, and there was no going back!

  3. a wonderful family, indeed! happy 50th! just took a peek at your psycho wyco website. looks like it was a success and guaranteed fun for all involved! i'll try to convince a group of socal runners to run it next year. thanks for stopping by!

  4. Happy birthday, Ben! WHat a nice surprise:) and you deserve it too! happy many more trails and races (directing or running) and kisses (from grandson and wife and other various friends too:)) and beer bottles!

  5. Happy Birthday Ben!
    And, you're certainly right about materialism being overrated.
    Give me family, a friend or two and a good run...then I'm okay.
    Carry on!

  6. Anonymous7:08 PM

    That's awesome Bad Ben! It looks like a great time and well deserved I am sure. Happy 50th and I wouldn't expect anything else from you, but to get up out of bed and get out there for that 20 miler.

  7. Anonymous2:53 AM

    happy birthday Ben. Happy 50 to you. and you are still as cool as 20. lol dear. do check in my blog too on Birthday Gifts. love you, ciao

  8. A Very Happy 5oth Ben!! You're 9 months ahead of now I know what to look forward to!!

    Great family and friends you've got there...that makes you the richest guy around!!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like you spent it with some wonderful people!

  10. Happy Birthday Ben! You make 50 look purdy BAD!

  11. Happy Birthday BADBEN - the big 50. I love the gag gift . . . as long as I'm giving and not receiving. . . Happy running!

  12. Ben, a hearty congrats on your 100-miler, your 500-mile shirt, and your 50th birthday. MUST you accomplish so much in a single month? You're putting us young 'uns to shame!

  13. We were glad to do it for you! I am proud to be your friend and a part of your running group. I have you to thank for keeping me off my ass during the winter. I'm still not motivated enough to do a 20 miler after a night of drinkin' though. Happy 50th.

  14. Happy belated Birthday Ben!!! You truly have excellent friends and family, congrats! 50's great too. All the magazines say its the new 49.
