Monday, March 05, 2007

A Good Week on the Trails

Well, we had another decent week of Trail Nerd activities and running.

Last Tuesday night, we had a decent run in Shawnee Mission Park. This was the last time that we'll meet at 6 p.m, for a while. We're changing our night runs to 7:00 p.m., starting this week.

Thursday night, we participated in a talk in Topeka at Great Plains Running Company, regarding trailrunning. There were some good questions asked by the attendees.

Saturday, we ran at Perry Lake on Willie Lambert's Rock Creek trail series (5K & 10K) course. David Wakefield and Matt showed-off these fine trails.

Sunday's training run was again at the Clinton Lake North Shore trails. Some of us ran 21 miles, and Kyle, Greg, and Gary ran a few more. These trails are where we will host the first annual "Free State Trail Runs" on April 28th. We have three events that day: a Trail Marathon, a 40-miler and a 100-Kilometer race. If you want to see the course and trails (first hand) prior to the race, please come and run with us at 7:15 a.m. on most Sundays...we'll be there.


The Free State event is going to be a lot of fun. Even though the work and logistics involved for this is seemingly never-ending, it's fun to be involved with it's creation, and get new ideas and work-out issues while we actually run on the course each week!

On another track:
My personal mileage hasn't been up-to-snuff, lately. I've only been putting in 40-45 miles/week. I've decided to crank it up to 50+ miles/week and keep it there for the foreseeable future. This week, it won't be a problem. I'll be running over 10 miles on Saturday, and 30 on Sunday (just 1-month out from the Rockin' K 50-miler). This week's total mileage should be above 60 miles.


  1. I really like the mapping out of it! Good running, Ben! Somehow with you miles don't make much difference - you are always a steady runner, no matter if it's 40 or 70 mpw:)

  2. I am so envious that you have such a great group of runners around!

  3. You could have a great group to run with, too. All it takes is a little bit of (anal) organizational skills. Like people attract like people. Trailrunners can find each other, unite, and do cool things.

    That's how our group got started 6 years ago...Kyle Amos and I bumped into each other on a trail run. We
    were both out running on a very cold trail run in the woods late one night. Crazy, huh? We figured that if two trailrunners were out running by themselves on a spooky, dark night in the woods, there might be others out there that might join us, so we wouldn't seem so darn crazy. (We needed to validate our sanity).

    Anyway, tonight I just got back from running 10 fast miles at night in the woods. Others ran up to 16 miles! I'm not crazy, afterall! Six years later, I feel completely validated. :-)
