Monday, March 09, 2009

Beyond the Epic Run

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Kansas City preview screening of the film "Beyond the Epic Run." What an inspiring documentary!

It's a documentary about a Swiss couple, Serge Roetheli and his wife Nicole. Serge spent five years running over 24,500 miles, on six continents, through 37 countries. Serge's wife (Nicole) was his support crew. She supported his quest and drove a motorcycle (with trailer) the entire distance.

They both had many trials and tribulations, including contracting malaria, encountering war and civil uprisings, nagging over-use injuries (imaging that), and being robbed. Serge relied heavily on drinking Coca-Cola for a clean source of hydration and calorie intake. The most interesting personality in the film (to me) was Nicole...she was an incredible and unshakeable support person for the love of her life; all while maintaining her separate (and very feminine) identity. I can't wait to read her published diary.

There were cameos throughout the film by many "experts" and inspirational personalities. I would have loved to have had a couple of cameos by folks that could relate to the rigors of ultra-endurance multi-day events, though. There are many hearty folks and interesting personalities that have run across the USA and across Europe (in consecutive days), or have conquered the Appalachian or Pacific Coast Trails in record times. It would have been interesting to have some of those folks' insight into the psyche of such an undertaking. While Dean Karnazes is well known and inspirational, there are many others that could have added their 2-cents worth, too.

I was fascinated by the "story within a story" in this film. The running part was interesting. But what interested me more, was the mental and spiritual hardship they encountered, and how they adjusted and adapted to it. Like finding out that their sponsoring charity was "pulling the plug" and leaving them high and dry. Finding a reason to go on (and on) after that, was what was truly inspirational to me.

This film is a GEM! Please take advantage of a screening in your area. You won't be disappointed!

Check out the film's blog.
Or some comments about parts of the film:


  1. Thanks for the post, Ben! Great to have you at the screening.

  2. It is not so much the idea that generates interest and debate but the varying interpretations of how the concept might be translated into practice.

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  6. While the focus of this article is on the benefits of the study, we think expanding the reach to cover costs is a positive step toward increasing awareness and reducing negative impact on our environment.
