Thursday, May 29, 2008

Western States Training Camp

Once again, Pat Perry and I journeyed to California to run in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during Memorial Day weekend at Western States Training Camp. Rick Cook from Texas spent a lot of time with us, too. We had lots of fun, even though it was drizzly for much of our trip.

Here's a video that Pat took. (It takes a while to load). We had 40+ miles on our legs at this point. I was leading, pushing the pace, and feeling good. Rick (in white) was in the middle, and Pat was videoing from the back. I'm surprised Pat didn't fall hard on his face.


  1. So that's what it looks like to run fast!

  2. What an exhilarating ride. Brings back good memories of the trail. I just knew that "nice ass" comment was coming! LOL

  3. Ben,

    I envy your Western States training camp experience! That looks fun!

    Seeing as you are a blogger on my blog roll, I'm personally taking the time to inform you that

    Keith-In-Training has a new address!

    Please visit:

    Make sure to update any feed reader subscriptions, as well by clicking the "subscribe" links as well!

    You can delete this after you have updated your feed reader and/or bookmarks. I just didn't have your email.


  4. I think your video sucked! It should have had a brief shot of me running with you guys! I suppose if I'd been selected in the lottery or had a friend selected in the lottery that needed a pacer I would have been there.

    I heard the first day was real wet. Hopefully that made for a cool climb up Thumb and Michigan Bluff. Weather looks nice when you took the video.

    Hopefully with the new WS Lottery rules I'll get in next year with my two ballots in the box.

    You look fit and move fairly well for a guy with 40 miles under his belt and the premium sleep one gets at the WS training runs.

    Trail Scat

  5. Thanks, Trail Scat!
    The cold and rainy first day didn't suck the life out of me like last year, when I ran out of water on my climb up Devil's Thumb. So for the 2nd day, when we had good weather, I just felt like running fast; hence the video.

    I didn't get into the race, yet again...I just like the training camp (and the company).

  6. I'm tagging you Mr Bad Bad Ben, please see my blog for details!
