Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Almost Famous: Podcast Starring Good Ben & Bad Ben

The Bad & Good
Kevin Patrick Allen from Endurance Planet interviewed Ben and me after our trail race last Saturday:



  1. Can I have your autograph?

  2. Only if you actually SHOW UP for a trail run with us.

  3. Cool! As someone who was interviewed on a podcast a few months ago, let me say, welcome to the club. Being interviewed is fun.

    I enjoyed your interview, and it was nice to put a voice to the face.

  4. Yes, and I sound taller on Podcast.

  5. Yeah well, they say the camera adds 10 inches... or was that 10 pounds... Or am I thinking of mirrors....? Where, my HGH?

  6. Cool, can't wait to listen to it.
    Although I liked the "old" endurance planet interviews better before USA Triathalon bought them.

  7. Podcasts make you taller?!?! I can say that I for sure need to be interviewed if that is the case. I guess the downside would be that I would have to put the dishes away that go on the top shelf. Right now I can just say "I can't reach"

    It was great hearing you guys on there, very cool!!!

  8. point taken Ben - as soon as I get through these ridiculous injuries . . .

  9. Yea!!! I'm looking forward to PCT. That's great you'll be there too. I've got a spot reserved at Clackamas Lake. Olga recomended it, I figured I should listen :)

  10. Very cool BB! (and GB). Yoga? Seriously?? My fav quote "you can still blow an ankle, but you'll keep goin'" That's something to strive for!

    I read The Ultra-Marathon Man cover-to-cover a couple days ago. I think I have a better understanding of you now. haha.

  11. Yeah, but probably the only thing Dean Karnazes and I have in common is running while sleeping. I'm waaaay better looking than him!

  12. I really enjoyed listening to Ben and Ben. I can only hope to someday be as BAD-ASS as you guys!
