Friday, January 13, 2006

Big Run on Trails

We had 11 Trail Nerds show up to run on the dark, hilly & muddy trails at WyCo Park, last night. We did a 6-mile loop and then circled back to the cars. Good Ben and I dropped after the first loop, (something I never do), and the other nine runners continued onto their next loop. I really wanted to keep running, and felt guilty for dropping. I have to keep my "eye on the prize", though. I'm tapering for my next 100-miler on February 4th, and I don't want to go over 50 miles total, for the week. I'm also running 30 to 35 trail miles this weekend, and wanted to save something for those runs.

Today's workout: Gym - "Legs of Steel" workout, (about 4 hours ago).


Anonymous said...

Keeping your "eyes on the prize" is important at this stage of your training. Sometimes perhaps we take it for granted that we have done it all before and can go through it blindly without taking all the proper steps. Sounds like a great trail running group you run with.

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Yes, the Trail Nerds are terrific!

crallspace said...

MY leg started hurting a slow charlie horse, less painful.

Olga said...

Keep an eye on Jorge at RR:) It will be fun!